Thursday, November 19, 2020

Orasis's CSF-1 Eye Drop To Treat Presbyopia and Whether Cornea Is Susceptible To COVID-19 Infection

Elad Kedar, CEO (Orasis Pharmaceuticals -Herzliya, Israel)

Dr. Jonathan Miner (Washington University School of Medicine - St. Louis, MO)

Orasis Pharmaceuticals CEO Elad Kedar discusses its eye drop, CSF-1, which has undergone NEAR-1 and NEAR-2 clinical trials to treat presbyopia that adversely affects near vision as the eyes age.

Then, Dr. Jonathan Miner of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis explains research into whether the cornea is suspectible to COVID-19 infection.

November 22 Podcast (Click Below)

Friday, November 6, 2020

How Eyes Adapt To Maintain Vision During Early Retinal Degeneration and COVID-19's Effects On Care of Glaucoma and RP Patients

Dr. Frans Vinberg (University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT)

Dr. Daniel Laroche (Advanced Eye Care of New York - New York, NY)

Dr. Frans Vinberg of the University of Utah School of Medicine explains how eyes can adapt to maintain vision during early stages of retinal degenerative disease.

Then, Advanced Eye Care of New York's Dr. Daniel Laroche discusses COVID-19's effects on the care of glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa patients, especially those of color.

11/8/2020 Podcast (Click Below)