Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 19 Podcast Ready to Roll

Dr. Suber Huang

Dr. Justina McEvoy

On the second November show, we'll have Cleveland's Dr. Suber Huang discussing dilated eye exams and diabetic retinopathy.

Then, Dr. Justina McEvoy of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital explains the latest research on retinoblastoma, which is an eye cancer.

(Click Image Below) 11/19/2011 Podcast

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 5 Podcast Now On Web

Dr. Julia Haller
(Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

RRTC at Mississippi State University

On the first November show, we have the Wills Eye Institute's Dr. Julia Haller discussing VEGF Trap-Eye, macular degeneration, and central retinal vein occlusion.

Then, the second guest is Dr. Jamie O'Mally of the RRTC at Mississippi State University talking about various research projects, including one involving blind professional mentors and mentees.

11/5/2011 Podcast
(Click Image Below)

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