Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dr. Jay Erie and Greg Stilson on First November Show

Dr. Jay Erie (Mayo Clinic - Rochester, MN)

BrailleNote Apex (Humanware - Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

On our first November show, we have Mayo Clinic's Dr. Jay Erie discussing the increase in cataract surgeries.

Then, we'll have Humanware's Greg Stilson talking about its BrailleNote products and KeySoft 9.4 software and Nemeth code.
11/2/2013 Podcast (Click Image Below) 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dr. Sai Chavala and Dr. Edward Kondrot On October 26-27 Show

Dr. Sai Chavala (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, NC)

Dr. Edward Kondrot (Healing the Eye and Wellness Center - Dade City, FL)

On this weekend's show, we'll have the University of North Carolina Department of Ophthalmology's Dr. Sai Chavala discussing MDM2 inhibitors and macular degeneration.

Then, Dade City, Florida's Dr. Edward Kondrot talks about homeopathic remedies for computer vision syndrome.
10/26/2013 Podcast (Click Image Below)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dr. Cang Ye and Dr. Jena Steinle On First October Show

Dr. Cang Ye (University of Arkansas - Little Rock)

Dr. Jena Steinle (University of Tennessee Health Science Center - Memphis, TN)
On our first October show, we'll have the University of Arkansas - Little Rock's Dr. Cang Ye discussing the Co-Robotic Cane, which will have navigational features to assist those with visual impairment.

Our second guest will the University of Tennessee Health Science Center's Dr. Jena Steinle talking about two research projects in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
10/12/2013 Podcast

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