Friday, August 14, 2020

Excessive Screen Time Hurting Children's Eyes And Multifocal Lenses Treating Children With Myopia

Dr. Glen T. Steele (Southern College Of Optometry - Memphis, TN)

Dr. Jeffrey Walline (Ohio State University College Of Optometry - Columbus, OH)

Dr. Glen T. Steele of Memphis's Southern College of Optometry discusses how excessive screen time in front of digital devices can harm children's eyes.

Then, the Ohio State University College of Optometry's Dr. Jeffrey Walline explains how multifocal contact lenses can help treat myopia in children.

8/16/2020 Podcast (Click Image Below)

Friday, August 7, 2020

Accessible Absentee Voting And Brain's Metabolic Processes Influencing Glaucoma and Alzheimer's Disease

Chris Danielsen (National Federation of the Blind - Baltimore, MD)
Dr. David J. Calkins (Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Nashville, TN)

Chris Danielsen of the National Federation of the Blind explains the NFB's effort to get states to provide accessible absentee voting systems for those with visual impairment.

Then, Vanderbilt University Medical Center's Dr. David J. Calkins explains how boosting the brain's metabolic processes could theoretically slow neurodegeneration to help treat glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease.

8/9/2020 Podcast (Click Image Below)

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