Thursday, August 22, 2024

Correlation Between Certain Protein Tears and Chronic Pain After Eye Surgery and Correlation Between Statin Use and Increased Risk Of Glaucoma

Dr. Brooke Harkness and Dr. Sue Aicher (Oregon Health and Science University - Portland, OR)
Dr. Victoria Tseng (UCLA Department of Ophthalmology - Los Angeles, CA)

Dr. Brooke Harkness, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Casey Eye Institute, and Dr. Sue Aicher, Professor of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry, OHSU School of Medicine, explain a study showing a correlation, but not necessarily causation, between certain protein changes in tears and chronic pain after eye surgery.

Then, Dr. Victoria Tseng, Jerome and Joan Snyder Chair in Ophthalmology, UCLA Department of Ophthalmology, goes over a study indicating a correlation, but not necessarily causation, between statin use and an increased risk of glaucoma.

8/25/2024 Podcast (Click Image Below)

Friday, August 16, 2024

Military Eye Injuries With Risk of Cataracts and Umwelt Software For Accessible Charts

Jonathan Zong (MIT Morningside Academy of Design - Cambridge, MA)

Dr. David Eliason, Ophthalmology and Deputy Branch Chief, US Department of Defense Vision Center of Excellence, explains the most common eye injuries suffered by military service members and their risk for developing harmful cataracts.

Jonathan Zong, Computer Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Morningside Academy for Design, discusses the software system, Umwelt, and its ability to create accessible, interactive charts.

8/18/2024 Podcast (Click Image Below) 

Friday, August 2, 2024

CRISPR Gene Editing In Treating Leber Congenital Amaurosis and Antibody Developed To Prevent Ceramide Buildup In Treating Diabetic Retinopathy

Dr. Mark Pennesi (Oregon Health and Science University - Portland, OR)

Dr. Julia Busik (University of Oklahoma College of Medicine - Oklahoma City, OK)

Dr. Mark Pennesi, Director of Ophthalmic Genetics at the Retina Foundation of the Southwest, in Dallas, Professor of Ophthalmology at Oregon Health and Science University, Casey Eye Institute, in Portland, explains how CRISPR gene editing helped some Leber Congenital Amaurosis patients in a clinical trial.

Then, Dr. Julia Busik, Professor and Chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, explains how an antibody was developed to prevent ceramide buildup in treating diabetic retinopathy in animal and cell models.

8/4/2024 Podcast (Click Image Below)

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