Friday, May 31, 2024

$20 Million Contract For Portable OCT Systems and NRTC Career Mentorship Survey

Dr. Chao Zhou (Washington University - St. Louis, MO) 

Dr. Jamie Boydstun (NRTC at Mississippi State University - Starkville, MS)

Dr. Chao Zhou, professor of biomedical engineering, at the Washington University McKelvey School of Engineering in St. Louis, discusses a $20 million contract to develop portable optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices using photonic integrated circuits (PIC) to lower the cost of eye care and make eye care more accessible.

Jamie Boydstun, research scientist I, at the National Research and Training Center (NRTC) at Mississippi State University talks about a career mentorship survey evaluating effective mentorship relationships and employment outcomes.

 6/2/2024 Podcast (Click Image Below)

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