Friday, September 6, 2024

Eyedaptic Vision Enhancement Systems and Study To Determine If Glucose Dysfunction Is Predictive of Diabetic Retinopathy

Jay Cormier (Eyedaptic - Laguna Hills, CA)

Dr. Wendy Harrison (University of Houston College of Optometry - Houston, TX)

Jay Cormier, founder and CEO of Eyedaptic in Laguna Hills, California, explains the EYE5, vision enhancement system, which uses smart glasses with a camera and a smart phone, and the EYE6, which uses an AI visual assistant, called Ivy.

Dr. Wendy Harrison, associate professor of optometry, at the University of Houston College of Optometry, introduces a study that will attempt to determine if impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, and elevated hemoglobin are predictive of diabetic retinopathy.

9/8/2024 Podcast (Click Image Below) 

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